Sunday, December 23, 2012

What Has Been Happening With My Life The Last Iime I've Blogged?

Hello Readers. Sorry I have not been posting for about 8 months but I've been sooo busy with all the stuff that's been happening in my life, I've been too lazy to write. Let me give you a recaps about what been happening with my life as an amateur graphic designer and as a person during these 8 months of non blogger:
May: Passed all my classes with flying colors and scored a graphic design job at school, but unfortunately didn't get the job. Oh well gotta keep trying.
June: Making some graphic design work on the side and found out that I was going to be an aunt because my sister became pregnant ^_^
July-August: Enjoying summer vacation, worked full-time temporarily at my part-time job at the time, visited the Big Apple (which not as amazing as I thought)  and fighting to get 5 classes (which I succeeded by the way).
September: Beginning of the new semester.
October: Found a graphic design opportunity with a bunch of senior film students, but unfortunately did not turned out so well (I'll explain why in another post)
November: Got a job interview for a part-time job and got the new job 3 days later and left my old part-time job. Finally moved up. Woohoo!
December:  Fall Semester is over and got in to 4 classes, waitlisted in 1 class that I really need the most for my major, which is graphic design II, if I want to have a better chance at scoring an internship program for next fall semester and going to find more graphic design opportunities.
As you can see here alot has happened the last time I posted up something and this amatuer artist is trying to find ways to get out there. Hopefully writing this blog helps. So keep on the look out for more posts and hope you enjoy my stories and artwork. :)

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