What is sexism?
Sexism is one of the major issues that affect our society
and socialization. So what is sexism defined as? According to Merriam-Webster
Dictionary, sexism is discrimination and prejudice based on sex, especially
towards women. In other words, sexism shows disrespected behaviors because of a
person’s sex. Very much like racism, sexism can cause society issues such as hate
crimes, stereotyping, and domestic violence.
The Difference Between Sex and Gender
Most people think that sex and gender mean the same thing,
but it is not necessarily true. Sex is something biological, while gender is
something that involves culture. Sex is biological because it is something that
we are genetically given at birth. Males and females receive different
genitals, reproductive systems, and secondary sex characteristics (facial hair,
voice change, breast development, widening the hips. etc) Males also have XY
chromosomes while females have XX chromosomes. Gender is considered cultural
because it is a socialized behavior made for society based on sex. In other
words, gender is based on masculine and feminine behavior.
Gender Roles (“Blending In” With Our Sex Norms)
Gender roles are socialized expectations of what is
acceptable, normal, desirable, and conforming for males and females in groups
and organizations. In other words, males and females express how masculine or
feminine they are to their society. For instances, males are expected to like
the color blue, act tough and aggressive, play video games, and more. Females
are expected to like pink, spend their time shopping, talking about love and
romance, wear make-up and many more. Gender roles also relates to different
responsibilities for males and females. According to an article, “Family Change
and Gender Differences: Implications for Theory and Practice”, written by Rachel T Hare-Mustin, it states that men
are expected to work to provide for their families, while women are expected to
become first morality and goodness by putting their family in need first instead
of their own needs (taking care of their children, cleaning their homes,
grocery shopping, etc.) Overall, gender roles involve different interests,
attitudes, and responsibilities.
History of Gender Discrimination
Discrimination is one of society’s biggest issues because
some people from the society judge others based on ignorance and their
beliefs. Gender discrimination can
lead to legal problems and can prevent a person from doing what he or she would
want to do. For instance, a man would not let a woman rent an apartment because
of her sex. The man does not find the woman responsible enough to let her rent
the apartment because he believes that women cannot live well on their
own. An event like this would most
likely cause the woman to sue the man because he showed gender discrimination
by not allowing her to rent the apartment. Gender discrimination also occurred
during the early 20th century. For example, women were not allowed
to legally vote until the 1920’s. Women were not allowed to vote before that
time because many men believed that politics was considered a “masculine
business”. Nowadays in our society, gender discrimination is less frequent,
however it still people in society that express discrimination based on a
person’s sex.
Gender Stereotyping
In our society today, we often hear things that are not
necessarily true, which would be defined as stereotyping. We often hear
stereotypes that are based on sex, race, gender, religion and other topics.
Gender stereotyping is one of the most common stereotyping that exists in our
society today. An example of gender stereotyping, “men are always the abusing
partner”. Although some male partners are more likely to abuse their spouse and
children, not all males are violent towards their love ones. In fact, some male
partners happen to be victims themselves of abusive relationship by their
girlfriends or wives. Therefore, the stereotype of males always being the
abusive partner in a relationship is not necessarily true. Another stereotype
would be that “female’s menstrual cycles impaired their abilities”. It’s true
that menstrual cycles are sometimes painful, however women can’t always blame
menstrual cycles for their actions. A woman’s behavior can make her act in a
way she shouldn’t act for personal reasons, whether she’s on her period or not.
According to an article “Atomic Stereotyping” by Mahzarin R.
Banaji and Curtis D. Hardin, it states that gender stereotyping can operate
instantly in judgment. Meaning that society judges gender without knowing the
facts first because of stereotypes that they hear from others everyday.
Hate Motives Leads to Sexual Assault
Hate crimes not only occurs in the United
States, but they also in many parts of the world, especially poor countries.
Rape and sexual assault are considered an act of hate, especially towards. Reason believing why rape is considered a hate crime is so that the
rapist would feel more powerful than the other due to the sex. Women would most
likely be victims of rape because they are believed to be weak and helpless.
Children can also be victims of gender hate crimes, especially little
girls. Rape isn’t the only way to
express a hate crime towards gender; hate crimes can be express in other
different ways such as hateful speeches, domestic violence, vandalism, and many
Sexism Advertisements
Commercials, billboards, and advertisements are ways of getting a
product noticed so people will purchase the merchandise. However, there are
some advertisements that involve sexism and it could attract the audience’s
attention in so many ways. An advertisement can seem funny to some people while
other people may find it offensive. Take the Dr. Pepper 10 commercial for
example. During the commercial, the actors said things like “so you can keep
the romantic comedy and lady drinks” and “it’s not for women. Some people
believed that the commercial is expressing sexism because it makes it sounds like all men
love action movies and like the aggression when it is not always true. Some
women love masculine things and some men love feminine things. Other people do
not find the commercial offensive at all because they believed that it was
funny and shouldn’t be taken so seriously. Overall, a picture says a thousand
words, so advertisements need to be used wisely.
Denial Of Access To Jobs and Careers
a job is really hard nowadays in our society. Getting a job might be harder for
others because some companies refuse to hire someone due to their sex,
especially towards women. During the 20th century, only 30% of women
worked outside of their homes, while 50% of women today work in many different
career fields. In general, a person who is responsible and talented can obtain
a successful career, including women. However in some companies, women receive
lower payment than men even if they have better skills, education and training.
Even though this is the 21st century, there are still women that have to stay home
and take care of their homes and children. Whether an individual is male or
female, a person has the right to receive a job based on their education,
skills, and responsibility not on the sex and gender.
Works Cited
Hare-Mustin, Rachel.
"Family Change and Gender Differences: Implications for Theory and
Practice." Family Relations
Issue 37.1, pp. 36-41.1988. Website.
Banaji, Mahzarin,
and Curtis Hardin. "Automatic Stereotyping." Psychological Science, Issue 7.3, pp. 136-141. 1996. Website.
Hammond, Ron and Cheney, Paul. Introduction of Sociology. 2012. Self Published Book.
Hammond, Ron and Cheney, Paul. Introduction of Sociology. 2012. Self Published Book.
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