Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Milton Glaser Layout

Sorry for not being able to blog for a few weeks. I've been busy with school, work and such. Anyways, I am making my first official graphic design project. My class is doing a magazine layout for an artist of our choosing and I'm doing Milton Glaser. Have you ever seen the "I LOVE NEW YORK" logo? That logo was made by him. He is such an amazing graphic design artist and am happy to be doing my project on him. Here's what I've done so far:
Feel free to comment on my work and give me suggestions on what can I do to improve my work if you have any. But please, no rude comments. I hope all of you like my work. Let's hope that the person interviewing me likes my work too. >_<

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Computer Business Card

For my next project, my dad wanted me to do a business card for his friend that does computer repairs. This took me like almost 2 hours to make (which is probably not that long compare to the real professionals lol). It first started out so plain looking, but after doing a lot of brainstorming it wasn't really all that difficult to create anymore. Behold, the finish masterpiece. Let's hope my dad's friend likes it. :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Singing in the McD's Drive-Thru

Aw man I wish someone can order their food like this in the driv-thru! XD

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Junior's Painting

Since my dad is trying to promote his own interior design business, I wanted to help him out by designing a flyer for his business. Here is what I came up with:

As a second year graphic design major, I'm still learning the basics of designing. This advertisement may look simple, but for me it's a start. I was really surprised that my dad loved this advertisement. He loved it so much that he showed it to one of his friends :D. His friend was also impressed, so impressed that he now wants me to make a computer repair design for his business card! Can you believe how major that is? My dad said that he'll give me more details tomorrow. I'm so happy for the opportunity that my dad has given me. I'm really looking forward to designing the next design already. Let this be the beginning of something big!